Alternate Angles

Last week I took many different photos of a rock tree I have, and here are my best 4.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/7.1, 1/100, ISO-3200

This photo is meant to be the above angle. I thought it looked interesting how the tree branches are in focus, but not the base, making it look like the branches are reaching up towards the viewer.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/5.6, 1/50, ISO-3200

This was my favorite photo out of these four. I liked how some of the branches were of focus, and some were in focus, especially how the main trunk was in focus. I purposefully put a warm lamp to the right of the tree so the tree would reflect the warm light and contrast the cool toned background, making it stand out more. I thought the background was also very pretty out of focus like this, and it seemed to transition from a warmer yellow-green color at the bottom, to a cool dark blue color at the top.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/13, 1/250, ISO-3200

For this one, I tried from a below angle, and looked at the rock tree against the cloudy sky. The picture ended up darker than I had originally thought it would be, but I ended up really liking it because of that. I liked how there were actual trees on the sides of the photo, and the small rock tree was in the center, framed by the trees. It’s also a bit hard to tell perspective, which makes the rock tree seem like it could be bigger than it actually is, which I thought was neat.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/7.1, 1/125, ISO-3200

In this photo, you can see the warm lamp I used for the other photo in the center. I wanted to try and get the brightest part of the lamp framed by the branches of the tree, so it would like it was being illuminated. While I very much like this photo, I feel like some of the branch’s blend into the background a bit too much, and I might’ve preferred if the lamp was just a little more behind the tree. I still really like the little reflections on each of the polished rocks, that turned out very pretty, and I might try to do that more intentionally at some point. Overall, I thought it turned out very pretty despite my nitpicks.

That’s all my favorite photos from this assignment, have a lovely day!

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