Monthly Archives: November 2023

Informal Portraits

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/6.3, 1/30 sec, ISO-1600

I liked this photo because he was doing kind of a pose, but still seemed pretty natural. The lines on the background are also kind of framing him, which I thought was cool. I think the eyes are not quite the most in-focus part, which is a bit annoying.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/6.3, 1/40 sec, ISO-1600

I liked that this photo caught him smiling, and looking off to the side, because someone had just told a joke.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/6.3, 1/30 sec, ISO-1600

While this photo is unfortunately blurry, I thought it was very good at capturing his laughter. If I were to do this again I might adjust the settings before a bit more, so that the shutter speed was a bit higher, so the picture would be more clear.

Settings: Canon EOS Rebel SL2, f/6.3, 1/50 sec, ISO-1600

I thought this was also a pretty good photo because it has a different framing than the other photos, as well as an interesting pose, and he was quite clear. Although it’s less focused on his head, and was less of a portrait.